Stand Up Lessons

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What does it mean to stand up for something? It means that you believe in it, it’s important to you. Standing is an action – you DO it. Standing up for something is active, too. We not only believe in it, we DO something about it.

Lesson Overview:

  1. Stand Up for JUSTICE

  2. Stand Up for KINDNESS

  3. Stand Up for PEACE

  4. Stand Up for LOVE

  5. Stand Up for JOY


In today’s world, it can be confusing for kids to identify what really deserves their active support. So, we look to the example of Jesus! And to follow His example, we STAND UP for the same things He did. In this series, we’re going to see how Jesus stood up for JUSTICE, KINDNESS, PEACE, LOVE, and JOY, and we can too!


Stand Up

Six Lessons